Tournament Results


2010 Results

Feburary 13th 2010 Local

February 13th Local

Type 1-2 Player
1st Rob M
2nd Laine M

Type 1- Multiplayer
1st Al B
2nd Rob M

Type 2- 2 player

1st Rob M
2nd Al B

Sealed Deck
1st Laine M
2nd Rob M

2009 Results

NorthEast Regionals

LaineM Finished 2nd in Sealed Deck

RobM Finished 2nd in T1 - Multiplayer

May 1&2 District

T1-2 Player
1st - Matt A.
2nd Mark U.
3rd -Rob M

1st- Matt A
2nd- Rob M
3rd- Laine M

T2- 2 Player
1st- Matt A
2nd Rob M
3rd Laine M

T2 Multiplayer
1st- Rob M
2nd -Laine M and Matt A (Tide)

Sealed Deck
1st- Matt A
2nd- Laine M
3rd- Rob M

Booster Draft
1st- Laine M
2nd- Rob M
3rd- Matt A

Away Tournament Results 2009

April 18th
Trenton, OH District
LaineM- 2nd in Sealed Deck and T2 Multi, 3rd in Booster Draft'
RobM- 1st in Sealed, 2nd in T1 Multi and 3rd T2 Multi

Jackson KY Local
April 11th
LaineM- First in T1 2 Player, 2nd in T1 Multi and Sealed Deck
RobM -Third in all three events

Trenton, OH Local Tourney

March 14th
Type 1-Multi
RobM- Tied for 2nd Place